Friday, July 06, 2007

It's all fun...

Conan O'Brien does often unique impression of Donald Trump during his late night talk show. Recently, when he appeared on the Tonight Show hosted by his buddy 'Jay Leno' - Conan playfully attacked Donald Trump by saying : "You are a loser ".
The most exciting thing about this is that it's all comedy. No bad feeling.
I was even happier when I watched the episode wherein Donald Trump appeared in person and was interviewed by Conan on Late Night with Conan. Donald Trump is a great person I must admit. Keep it up guys !!! It's all fun. Jay Leno was once quoted as saying ; "You can't stay mad at somebody who makes you laugh. " Yeah..right Leno - You guys are doing a great Job.

Conan O'Brien Donald Trump Impression

Donald Trump on Conan O'Brien

Donald Trump On Conan O'Brien - Funny blooper videos are here

Thursday Night, July 5

Jay Leno

Dave Letterman

Conan O'Brien

Great day for America. America is back on top. We’re No 1 in hotdog eating!

US Weekly is reporting that Nicole Richie is pregnant. Apparently they can tell that Nicole Richie is pregnant because she’s only throwing up in the morning.

Big political news. There was a mix up yesterday at the Hillary Clinton rally in Iowa. Bill Clinton showed up, and people thought he was Bob Barker. They were all disappointed. So was Hillary. She thought he was going to get spayed and neutered.


Thursday, July 05, 2007

Wednesday Night, July 4

Jay Leno

Dave Letterman

Conan O'Brien



Monday Night, July 2

Jay Leno

Dave Letterman

Conan O'Brien

It’s Lindsay Lohan’s birthday. She’s 21. She’s finally old enough to start drinking. Just as she gets out of rehab.

The "Transformers” movie opens on July 4. It’s about giant robots that destroy things. Oscar season is finally upon us.

You can keep your "Gone with the Wind,” you can keep your "Citizen Kane,” get me giant robots.


Friday Night, June 29

Jay Leno
As I’m sure you know, President Bush's immigration bill failed to pass. To be fair, this is not the first time in his life George Bush has heard the words "failed to pass."

It was voted down by the Senate. I wondered why the help at Wal-Mart seemed a little testy today.

In fact, some illegal aliens are so angry, they’re threatening to leave the country.
They said the Senate switchboard completely shut down after they got over 10,000 calls protesting this immigration bill. Ten thousand calls . . . all from Lou Dobbs.

Dave Letterman
Hot today in New York City. Tell me if you don’t think this is odd: The UPS guy, today, asked me if I’d put sun lotion on his legs.

If you have an oyster bar in your town, try this: Go to the oyster bar, sit down, order coffee, whatever you’re going to order, then when they’re not looking, fill your pants with shaved ice.

Ever been in a New York City cab? On a hot day like this, kind of a dilemma: Do you roll up the windows to keep the air conditioning in, or do you roll them down to air out the driver?

Conan O'Brien

It’s been a crazy week. Paris Hilton went on "Larry King.” Out of habit, Larry asked her for a divorce.

The iPhone came out today. People were camping out all night in front of the store. These people are pathetic, really . . . oh come on — get a life. Especially the people behind me in line. They were noisy.

Two movies opened today, the cartoon "Ratatouille,” and Michael Moore’s "Sicko.” Two very different movies: One is about a big rat who’s obsessed with food, always getting into trouble, and the other one is "Ratatouille.”

The iPhone comes out today. The summer release date coincides perfectly with the first day of pushing people in the pool with their phones in the pockets.

Another presidential debate last night. One of 90 scheduled before the election in November.
Democrats gathered at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Joe Biden talked about AIDS in the community. He’s against it.


Thursday Night, June 28

Jay Leno
Everyone getting a new iPhone? They say the new iPhone will totally revolutionize the industry. At least until Saturday when they release the iPhone 2.0.

Paris Hilton made her first post-jail appearance on Larry King. She said spending an hour with Larry made her miss solitary confinement.

She told Larry being stripped searched was the most humiliating experience of her life; then she asked Larry, "You make all your guests do that?”

Dave Letterman
Anyone get caught in the blackout last night? Good news. They traced the source of the blackout to Donald Trump’s hair dryer.

Paris says she’s never going to drink and drive again. That’ll be something to see — Paris all tipsy riding the bus.

Paris said she hated prison. There’s some insight.

She said she had to eat mystery meat. I think I’ve actually seen video of her doing that.

Conan O'Brien

A new survey out says California has the worst traffic of any state in the union. We’re No. 1!
I do my part. I carpool. I carpool with the kid from "Two and a Half Men.” I drive; he gives people the finger.

Donald Rumsfeld back in the news. He’s writing a book about his experiences as secretary of Defense. Apparently, he has no problem starting a book, he just has no idea how to end the damn thing.

The Spice Girls are getting back together! That’s great! Your enthusiasm is also phony!

Paris Hilton hysteria is starting to die down. I spotted her at LAX wearing a dark wig and a straw hat. She went to Maui. Which is nice because ever since Don died, Hawaii’s been looking for a new "Ho.”

It’s actually a very risky move on her part, because the cops in Hawaii are savvy to drunk drivers from L.A. ever since the cast of "Lost” arrived on the island.

If you missed Paris’ interview with Larry King, it was about what you’d expect. One interesting tip that she did share: She told Larry that she’s never done drugs. Although it turned out that when she said she’d never done drugs, it meant she’d never had sex with them.

Wednesday Night, June 27

Jay Leno
This week they had the annual congressional baseball game and the House Republicans beat the House Democrats 5-2. It was typical of both parties — the Republicans kept stealing and after the game the Democrats demanded a recount.

Ralph Nader is talking about running for president again. God bless him. He’s been accused of being a "spoiler.” You know what that is, a "spoiler?” That’s a politician who ruins the chances of another candidate. For example: Al Gore’s spoiler was Ralph Nader. He would have won . . . except Florida . . . and George Bush Sr.’s spoiler was H. Ross Perot. And John Kerry’s spoiler was John Kerry.

Did you hear about this? This is all cable news is talking about. Elizabeth Edwards called Ann Coulter on Chris Matthews’ "Hardball” yesterday to complain about the attacks on her husband. It’s a good thing Coulter hasn’t attacked Giuliani . . . She’d have three angry wives calling her. They’d have to get a conference call going.

Universal Pictures announced they plan to make a movie about the life of Hugh Hefner. I don’t want to say that Hugh Hefner is getting old, but do you know who is playing the young Hugh Hefner? Peter O’Toole.

Dave Letterman
It’s so hot today, Britney Spears said that if she wore underpants, today she wouldn’t wear them.

Thank God Paris Hilton is out of prison. Yesterday at Paris’ compound, she had a hair stylist come to the house to add hair extensions. First day out of prison — hair extensions. Ladies and gentlemen — it’s like I have a twin.

Now Paris has to do community service. Man — wait a minute. Community service? You’re telling me an Internet sex video is not community service?

Conan O'Brien

There was a huge blackout in the upper east side of New York. New York hasn’t seen a blackout this bad since Lindsay Lohan was in town.
Or since Danny DeVito was on "The View.”

Big Foot is on the loose. A group of scientists say they’ve seen Big Foot in rural Michigan. They’re launching an expedition to go and find him. I mean no disrespect, but if you’re looking, in Michigan, for a giant person covered in thick hair, you’re going to have to be more specific.
It could just be a Lions fan!

Paris Hilton spoke to Larry King. Larry seemed almost bored. He asked what was the mystery medical illness. She said it was claustrophobia. You mean to tell she had claustrophobia and they kept her in jail? What kind of barbaric society is this?
Maybe she meant chlamydia. I don’t know.

Independence Day is next week. It falls on July 4 this year.
One of the things I love, is the fireworks safety videos. It’s that time of year again where we blow up mannequins. So if you’re a mannequin, be very careful this year.

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